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N E X T  C O U R S E  :  A P R I L  1 2 ,  2 0 1 8

Foundations of

Conscious Parenting

In this 4-week course, pediatrician and parenting coach Dr. Shana Tubach, MD guides you step-by-step on how you can incorporate simple, conscious parenting activities into your everyday routine. Becoming the parent you admire and aspire to be is more than just wishful thinking.

F R E Q U E N T L Y 

A S K E D 


Who is the course for?

The Foundations of Conscious Parenting course is for parents, step-parents, grandparents, prospective parents or caregivers of children aged 0–16 years of age.


But it is important to remember, this course is focused on parents first.

I'm so busy. Will you hold me accountable?

You will receive two reminder notifications by text the week before your scheduled class. In addition to that weekly nudge, keep in mind that all attendees will be paying for the full course in advance of the course start date.

What is the course schedule?

This course begins on Thursday, April 12th, 2018 and continues for 8 weeks, with classes being held every other Thursday from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm.

The next course schedule is as follows: April 12, April 26, May 10, and May 24, 2018.

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